Accurately understanding your requests and knowing your goals are the necessary prerequisites for guaranteeing high quality projects. For this reason, we listen to your every need: we analyse the specialized language of the texts, considering the recipients of the communication in the target language and evaluating the working time, anticipating any critical issues.
At this point, we can start designing the language services best suited to your business. Firstly, we select mother-tongue professionals specialized in language and relevant discipline to guarantee linguistic and image consistency for your company. We therefore choose the technological tools that allow us to increase efficiency and optimize costs.
Now we are ready to provide a detailed quotation of the project based on the linguistic combination and the specificities of the text, as well as its urgency and the managerial aspects. We extract and count the texts in any format, considering its repetitiveness in order to modulate the price according to the real effort that the work requires.
We dedicate ourselves to your project by being effective and taking care of your needs.
Mother tongue speakers focus on the linguistic aspects, while the rest of the team facilitates the work managing its formatting, creating glossaries, and clarifying the text.
We discuss choices of style and language when necessary.
We constantly monitor the progress of the work and always carry out meticulous quality checks before delivery.
We respect the delivery times agreed upon, making use, if necessary, of a team of translators created ad hoc to meet your needs. We also offer partial deliveries of material, if it can help you meet your own deadlines.
Your opinion is important. Thanks to your feedback, we can understand if we have achieved our goals in terms of the effectiveness of terminology and stylistic choices, as well as whether our work represents your company’s image.
Your feedback always teaches us how we can improve going forward.
Native [na-tì-vo] adj. [lat. natīvus, der. di natus, pass. part. of births «born»; v. also natìo].
- Said of the place in which one was born: country n.; land n.; city n.; and what it refers to: native idiom; language n.; the area n., the native climate.
- Of quality, disposition, or condition that one possesses from birth; innate or inherent: pride, dignity n., frankness n.; therefore, also natural, spontaneous, non-artificial: in her, there was a native grace, a native kindness.
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